Welcome to the Ontario Power Generation Document Archive. The purpose of this repository is to provide public access to historical document collections through their required retention period. These collections are static and this archive is targeted for decommissioning by 2023. Accessible versions of any documents in this archive are available by request to aoda@opg.com.
An application for an Accounting Order Establishing a Deferral Account to Capture the Revenue Requirement Impact on Ontario Power Generation’s Prescribed Nuclear Facilities Resulting form Changes in Station End-of-Life Dates (EB-2018-0002)
On Dec. 29, 2017, OPG applied to the OEB for an accounting order to establish a deferral account to record, from Jan. 1, 2018 until the effective date of the Ontario Energy Board (OEB)’s next payment amounts order, the revenue requirement impact of changes to nuclear liabilities and depreciation and amortization expense resulting from changes to station end-of-life (“EOL”) dates for OPG’s Pickering prescribed nuclear facilities that will be effective Dec. 31, 2017.Name |
Account Order Application EB-2018-0002 (PDF) |
OPG IRR 20180328 (PDF) |